Whether you have a dog or cat, there are several pet-friendly fencing solutions that you can choose from. These fences can be used for pets or humans, and they come in a variety of styles and materials. These include wood, invisible, invisible/chain-link, and temporary.
Chain-link fences
Adding a chain link fence to your property is a great way to protect your property from unwanted break-ins. It’s also a very affordable option. Chain-link fences are made of galvanised steel wire that’s attached to poles. They are solid and durable, and they’re available in a variety of styles and heights.
If you have pets, you’ll need to choose a fencing solution that’s not only strong and durable but also pet-friendly. Fortunately, new solutions are available that help homeowners choose the best fencing for their pet’s needs.
Chain-link fences are a great solution to keep pets in. They are durable, easy to install, and come in a variety of styles and heights. They also come in several materials. For example, some are coated with coloured vinyl, while others have barbed wire, reed, or mesh.
Chain-link fences have been used for decades to provide homeowners with a solid and affordable solution to protect their homes. However, they are only sometimes attractive, and some homeowners may be put off by their unappealing appearance. Fortunately, innovations are changing the way consumers perceive chain-link fences.
One innovation involves adding a vinyl coating to a quality chain link framework. This provides the fence with colour and adds to the overall aesthetic appeal.
Other innovations include adding a decorative border to the fence. This adds to the appeal of the chain-link fence and may help you sell your home.
Lastly, some dogs can climb a chain-link fence. In order to prevent this from happening, make sure the bottom of the fence is secured correctly. You should install a second hot wire that’s attached close to the ground. You can also use gravel or sand to stabilise the bottom of the fence.
Wood fences
Fortunately, there are several dog-friendly fencing solutions available to keep your dogs and other animals in your yard. The type of fence you choose depends on several factors.
For instance, how tall is your dog? If he is a high jumper, he might need additional fence extensions. If you are travelling with your dog, consider a portable fence.
The best type of fence is the chain link. It is secure, affordable, and easy to install. It also only requires a little maintenance. However, if you live in a climate where your fence needs to withstand frequent wind and rain, consider a brick or metal fence.
Alternatively, you may choose to install a wooden fence. Wooden fences provide both privacy and security. A solid wood fence is also an excellent way to prevent your dog from seeing other animals outside of its immediate territory.
Invisible fences
Using invisible fences is a great way to keep your dog out of harm’s way. These fences use radio signals to deter dogs from getting too close to the boundary.
Depending on your needs, you can get an invisible fence that is designed to work with your dog, your backyard, or your entire property. This fence can be installed underground or above ground.
You can also opt to have an invisible fence that uses a wireless system. This type of fence uses a transmitter to send radio signals along an underground wire. The transmitter is usually placed in your garage, basement, or other location.
An invisible fence system can cost as little as $500, depending on the model. Some plans include a transmitter, a waterproof collar, and a receiver. The receiver delivers a warning signal to your dog’s collar. The signal may be in the form of a vibration or tone.
Some invisible fence systems will also include a collar that delivers a static correction if your dog continues to approach the boundary. If you aren’t keen on shocking your dog, you can opt for a sound-only mode. This is a more humane way to deter your dog from getting close to the fence.
Temporary fences
Whether you’re a dog owner who needs to keep his pups safe from other animals or you want to keep stray dogs off your property, you can find pet-friendly fence solutions. These fences provide an easy and cost-effective way to keep animals in or out of your yard.
One popular type of pet-friendly fence is the welded wire fence. Welded wire fencing is inexpensive and durable. These fences can be set up in many different sizes and designs. It can also be a great option if you want decorative accents.
Using a gate is another pet-friendly fence solution. This is easy to install and allows for easy access. Gates also give the fence a polished look.
You can also consider building your pet-friendly fence. You’ll need a staple gun, posts, and zip ties. This solution is a great temporary option. It can house your dog while you work on building a permanent fence.
Another inexpensive dog fence solution is to use PVC deer block netting. This is an excellent option if you want to build a temporary fence. It can be easily disassembled and stored until you need it again. It can be used for both dogs and cats.
Another inexpensive option is to use wood fencing. This is an excellent option for larger dogs that need space to run. You can also use a fence that is dug deeper into the ground. This helps keep coyotes from jumping on your fence.
If you’re worried about your pet ingesting the fence, try a Chew-Proof fence. This is designed to be hard to chew, so your dog won’t be able to get through it.
If you’re a dog owner who needs a break from yard work, you can also use a fence. This allows you to keep your dog in one area of the yard while you’re at work.
Anti-digging fences
Having an anti-digging fence installed can be a great way to prevent your dog from escaping your property. However, you need to be aware of your dog’s motivation for digging. Some dogs may want to bury valuables, while others may be trying to escape a perceived threat.
It can be hard to pinpoint exactly why your dog is digging, but if you’re able to identify what’s causing your dog’s digging, you can implement an appropriate strategy. In fact, you should consult a behaviour expert.
If you’re using chicken wire to stop your dog from digging, make sure it has sharp edges tucked into the corners. Then, bury the bottom part of the fence at least two feet below the surface.
You can also spray a strong odour on the fence to deter your dog from digging. However, make sure you test it on a less-visible section of the fence first. This will also allow you to see if the deterrent works on your dog.
Another great way to prevent your dog from digging is to fill in the holes as they occur. You can also bury large rocks near the fence line. This will deter climbing and make digging uncomfortable.
Putting a large planter or furniture at the bottom of your fence line can also be a good deterrent. However, it’s essential to check for any existing holes first.
If your dog is bored, he may want to bury valuables or escape. You can also help your dog use up his energy by having him play. Also, make sure you spend time outdoors to keep him occupied.
Contact us today at 02 4202 6363 to get started with your pet fencing project!